Hi, I’m Jeff Koterba.

I help humans who want to be more creative by speaking, creating content, and coaching so they can overcome obstacles and follow their dreams.

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“Jeff Koterba is super funny and smart and creative in many different ways. Plus his cartoons have been in space and he was even hit by lightning. What’s not to like?”


— Rainn Wilson

(Actor, The Office)

“Koterba is weird.”


— Madonna

(Singer, actress)


“Greetings earthling…


— Clayton Anderson

(Astronaut, aboard The International Space Station )


“Stretch? Stretch Koterba?” “No, governor. It’s Jeff Koterba.”


— Governor George W. Bush

(During the 2000 presidential campaign)


“Out of all my friends who are nationally syndicated cartoonists who front a touring swing band, have been struck by lightning, encountered UFOs and have written an acclaimed memoir, Jeff Koterba is among the tallest.”


— Glenn McCoy

(Minions Movie Story Artist, Director, & Writer)


“Good that you’re helping to explain the intricacies and curiosities of the US election system to us Brits.”


— Clive Collins

(Cartoonist and brother to Phil)


I was born in Omaha, Nebraska, and in the summer before my senior year of high school, I was struck by lightning. My mom wanted to take me to the hospital.

Instead, my dad gave me Jack Daniels. Soon after, my cartoons began showing up daily in the Omaha World-Herald.

My work now appears in over 850 publications around the globe and…around the globe. Literally. My original drawings have flown in space and exhibited all over the world.

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